Brandon & Kristin

Brandon & Kristin

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Crazy Bucket Head

The other evening we were hanging out in our kitchen/dining room and apperently Silas thought things were a little boring. So his solution was to put a bucket on his head and walk around until he ran into something. He did this for quite a while and somewhere along the way decided to use the bucket (on his head) as a drum. I only got the very last of this strange episode on film.

Hope you enjoy.


Grandma G said...

What a busy, talented little guy! lol Thanks for the giggles!

(I saw some familiar fabric in the background. :) )

Unknown said...

i love it when he runs into the wall.

Unknown said...

i love it when he runs into the wall.

Todd said...

i love it when he runs into the wall.