Brandon & Kristin

Brandon & Kristin

Friday, January 15, 2010

15 months

It's been a little while since I've posted... first steps and first 4 teeth have happened since the last post. He started walking at 13 months but now in the last 2 weeks has he started preferring to walk. And he wants to walk everywhere! We've had a lot of fun the last few days in our yard and neighborhood. The pictures below were taken in Kansas (where it was pretty cold). We've been hanging out in 70+ degrees in our balmy CA winter. He loves to wander and explore, inspect plants and pick up random leaves, rocks and sticks. He also loves to pick lemons off our meyer lemon tree. I wish I could spell out how he says lemon... but I'd have to type a key that means: "stick our your tongue while saying it." It's awesome.