Brandon & Kristin

Brandon & Kristin

Saturday, November 01, 2008

2 1/2 weeks old

Hello all. Here are some more pictures of our little mister. He's doing well and we're learning new things every day as parents. I haven't written anything here on our blog since the day I delivered Silas. It's been quite the 2 1/2 weeks. I am in love with our son. I am so thankful to God for the gift of his life. I am overwhelmed sometimes in realizing that I get to be his mommy. I've also been completely overwhelmed other times with the "what am I doing?" new mommy feelings. These first days have been intense! There is much to figure out with sleeping, nursing, weight gain, cries and just other regular mommy concerns. I have been enjoying it all and also dealing with sleep deprivation and hormones... ahh, the normal-ness of it all. Thank you so much for praying for us all. I read this again today and thought how it's true for me as well as for Elizabeth (John's mother whom this verse is written of in Luke 1:58): "Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy, and they shared her joy." Thank you for sharing in our joy in receiving Silas into our family.
The pictures were all taken within the last week or so. My parents, Nana and Papa Wichmann visited us and met Silas. They also helped us greatly.


Anonymous said...

Hi Parents!
I have been checking on your blog so often looking for new pics! Yay! He is absolutely gorgeous, and it sounds like you two are doing wonderfully as well! Still thinking of you and praying for you and Silas...Love, Lauren

Anonymous said...

thanks for the update kristin...those first few weeks are crazy...hang in there it all gets easier! love to you all.

jamie said...

kristin and brandon i love it- he is SO SO cute- he is adorable.. not all babies are cute. they are precious yes but maybe not cute- he is just too cute!
you look great kristin- the mommy thing you were talking about- well i'm not sure if you ever "get it" i have a few things that worked with the twins- email me if you want. we got them on a schedule right away.. some are for and some against this! :)
it worked amazing for the twins!
love ya

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you get to be a mommy, and have your little guy to love on. He is adorable, I can't wait to see all the growing and changing he is going to do:)

Anonymous said...

If you want to make sure Silas is gaining good weight, you could always consider supplementation. I typically recommend a 20 oz Dr Pepper or some old school Jolt Cola. ; )
We rejoice in God's blessings and mercy shown to you. Your son is beautiful.
Aaron Chambers

The Whites said...

sounds like things are going well...i am glad you are getting to experience all the crazyness of being a first time parent :)

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

New pictutres, Please:)

Unknown said...

hi silas! we hope to meet you someday the a-rods. ha!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation Kristin & Brandon. Welcome little Silas. I'm so happy to hear about the safe arrival of your baby. I've thought of your family often. Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope to see more photos soon.

rebecca81 said...

Hi Kristin!

You must be a busy mommy - you haven't posted since the beginning of this month. :)

Have a wonderful thanksgiving!

I keep kicking myself for not going out there to visit you guys!!