Brandon & Kristin

Brandon & Kristin

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

9 1/2 months already?

Time flies! Our little man is getting so big and grown up. And he's so much fun. We laugh at him many times each day. One of our favorite activities of his is when he tackles his stuffed animals. He gets a crawling "run" and just levels them or gently hugs them. It's really cute. He's recently been practicing waving and clapping. And he's been working on his sounds - specifically "aduh" and "ufaah" and "abob." He looks so intently sometimes while he's telling us very serious things. He's been eating all sorts of things but enjoying blueberries and cherries and watermelon the most. He still likes avocadoes and also thinks my cooked egg yolk in plain yogurt mix is quite delicious (he doesn't know that most people don't eat egg flavored yogurt!) Here are a few pictures from the last month.